Passing the Torch


God speaks to me through signs and dates.  I recently had an amazing revelation that came through “connecting the dots” about three experiences that involved the image of passing a torch.   These three experiences all happened on February 12 over the span of 18 years.

Before I share these experiences, I want to tell you why February 12 is such an important date.   February 12 was the date the latter rain revival began in 1948.   During that revival,  miraculous healings and high level prophecy were common.   Some of the revivalists in that era included Oral Roberts, William Branham, A. A. Allen, Jack Coe,  T. L. Osborne, and Paul Cain.

Paul Cain’s life has been marked by the supernatural.  He has stood before kings and presidents.  At the age of 17, he became a prominent figure in the latter rain revival.   Paul toured the country with an 8,000 seat tent, filling it wherever he went.   Many salvations and documented healings took place, as well as Paul calling out people and telling them detailed information about their lives by word of knowledge.

During those days, the Lord began to speak to Paul  about the hype and greed he saw in the latter rain movement.   Paul became disillusioned and burned out.       He went into seclusion for  25 years, but he was given a promise from God that his mother would not die until he stood before a “new breed” of leaders.  This new breed  would be marked by simplicity, purity, and remarkable demonstrations of power.

We had Paul Cain come and speak at a conference in Coeur d’Alene that began on February 12, 2007.   Before Paul came, we were praying and someone saw him passing a torch to the conference attendees.  

When that vision was shared at the prayer meeting, I remembered being in a leadership conference ten years prior with Paul Cain in Kansas City.  Before going to that leadership conference,  I had been given a prophetic word that I would be given a torch while there.   To my amazement, at one of the meetings, a real lit torch was brought in.  I checked my journal and was further amazed when I saw the date was February 12, 1997!

Three days prior to Paul coming in 2007, I read that it was on February 12, 1989,  that Paul had stood in John Wimber’s pulpit and announced he had found the “new breed” of ministry he had been waiting for.  (His mother died the next year at age 105!)

While speaking at a Vineyard conference, on Mother’s Day weekend 2009,     I was more amazed when I bought a book entitled The Quest for the Radical Middle, by Bill Jackson, in their bookstore and read the following:

“In February 1989, John Wimber hosted a conference on spiritual warfare in Anaheim.  It was to be a typical Vineyard conference – work through the notes and minister as the Lord directed.  What made these meetings different was that Wimber, who had just had his initial encounter with Paul Cain in December, invited Paul to speak at one or two of the sessions.  No one was ready for what happened.  It was so intense that the seminar was held over for two extra days.

In essence, Paul Cain told conference registrants that God had given him a torch with which to initiate the “last days” ministry.  What is more, God had instructed him to offer that torch to the Vineyard.  The symbolism appeared to be the image of the Olympic runner lighting the fire that initiates the games.  Paul had run his leg of the marathon and now was passing the flame to the final runner who would light the vessel in the stadium, thus officially initiating a significant era in the countdown of human history. “

Three different experiences….all involving a torch….all on February 12!   I know that God is wanting us to hear the message in the signs.

John Wimber’s main passion was the Kingdom and he taught that we are all called to do the works of Jesus.  I believe that God is saying that it’s time to run with the torch of revival in simplicity and purity, proclaiming and demonstrating the Kingdom.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.   (Matthew 24:14)

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