Uncharted Waters are Scary


I can’t settle for mediocrity and “church as usual.”   We’re launching out into uncharted waters….looking for a “new world.” 

Sometimes that can be scary.  Old patterns and ways of doing things are difficult to change.  We must be willing to “go where no man has gone before.”      We have to be committed to the process of change and not draw back.

I realized that I was drawing back in the area of pursuing the gifts of the Spirit  because of disillusionment with the prophetic movement. 

There needs to be greater accountability in the prophetic movement.  Prophets are contradicting each other and giving words that are not coming to pass.   This, coupled with major character issues being exposed, has caused disillusionment.

Instead of drawing back, however, we need to pursue love.  We are told in Scripture to pursue love and earnestly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.   The key is to “pursue love.” 

We need to have a wedding of the Word and the Spirit…a marriage of truth and experience.  We can have both love and the wildness of the supernatural.  

Like Abraham, we are looking forward to a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.   Let’s discover it together!

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One response to “Uncharted Waters are Scary

  1. Ron Meyer

    This message is incredibly refreshing for me. After 40+ years in ministry I had made the decision to never again enter the doors of any agency that practiced “church as usual.” This kind of church made me literally want to puke. God had so broken my heart for the lost, the disillusioned, the disenfranchised, that I could no longer “go to church” with any degree of honesty. I so rarely encountered Christ there that it had become of no value to me. I found myself leaving there in worse shape than when I entered.

    My heart has been broken for those I listed above, and recently God has ushered Wendy and I into a very peculiar relationship to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders. I hate labels, but I know no other way to describe the persons we are ministering to. To say that they are alienated from the church and the Gospel is a gross understatement, at the least. This ministry is so, so hard as we find ourselves having to apologize for the acts of hatred the “church” has perpetrated upon them, and continues to lay on them, yet there is the need to gently apply the Gospel via the love of Jesus to any and all persons when and where it is needed.

    Since Wendy and I spent that glorious year with you and Mike in 2000 at Grace Training Center, God has done many things in our lives; many of which He has allowed, and are yet to be understood. When we returned to Minnesota, I became the Director of Learning Alternatives, a school in the Minneapolis metro area for students seeking a high school diploma. I was able to build this into a huge program reaching out to hundreds of young people for whom the traditional classroom did not work. It became very successful, and I was able to integrate the works of several Youth Pastors from Emmanuel Christian Center into the fabric of the day-to-day activities of the school. We dealt with students 14+ hours a day, every day, and God reaped a wonderful harvest.

    On September 25, 2006, as I was walking into a grocery store, I was struck by a man in a pickup truck who was blinded by the sun and never saw me until I went flying through the air in front of him. The poor man was terribly shaken by this (he was 79 years old), and I suffered multiple fractures to both of my knees and legs, as well as my left shoulder, which was basically destroyed. I spent 4-1/2 months in the hospital and rehab facilities, but have had 11 surgeries since then to bring me to a place where I can function in some semblance of normality.

    For a true Type A Alpha male who had been on the fast track to stardom in the world of Educational Leadership, this was a major blow. But it was insignificant in the light of what God led me through
    as I approached a lifetime of being largely disabled, willing to accept these parameters of physical limitations I had never experienced, and seeing them through the eyes of a loving, healing God.

    It has not been easy, as God has yet to intervene and bring about a total physical healing. There have been wonderful moments when He dealt with tremendous pain and suffering, but total healing has escaped me, to date. I hold out hope that it will come in due time.

    But what if it doesn’t? Is God any less loving or present or caring or???? No! Hell, no, if you must. And over the years I have learned to live within that grace and find it not only sufficient, but abundant. God meets me on a daily basis in ways I had never even considered. Through the many traumas I have been through, I have found a side of God that is wonderful beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Absolutely, there are days when God seems a million miles away from me and my circumstances, but it lasts only as long as I choose to wallow around in the pity and seemingly permanent circumstances that I currently live in. When I give them to God, they go away, if even for a time.

    Through all of this I have gathered the material for two books that I hope to publish very soon. One is a book that I worked on even while we were in Coeur d’Alene that year called In the Name of the Father. It is something I am very proud of, as it took several years to write as God extracted inspirations and wisdom from me.It deals with 14 of the Hebrew names for God, and makes life applications of the meanings of those names, and how we can practically incorporate them into our prayer lives as we seek to become more like Jesus.

    The second book is entitled, Dancing With my Demons, a wonderful look into the life of a man being broken by God through what is seemingly tragedy, and brought to a place of incredible grace. It is a compelling story, and is filled with the life lessons and the instances of the wonderful and gracious power of prayer as God shapes and restores the life of one of His beloved children. I believe that it will be a powerful testimony of God’s grace to His people as He meets us in our dark night of the soul.

    I could say a great deal more, but I believe this is enough. God is – and continues to be – very good, indeed. I do love what I hear out of CDA, and I long to hear even more. Your website is fairly dated, and I choose to believe that this is a product of being very busy tending to the works God is birthing among you. I really want to know what is current for you, and of any workshops or seminars you are scheduling that I might attend. I will never, ever forget the wonderful time at the conference on birthing spiritual fathers and mothers in March, 2001. I have never known God to work through me so prophetically as I must have ministered to 100 people with words God was speaking; and they seemed to be so wonderfully on target.

    I also clearly remember the ministry I received, as an apostolic yoke was placed upon me (literally) by a man I believe was Frank Mangini from Blackfoot, Idaho. One of your wonderful ladies who lived up by Hayden Lake(I had prophesied a Deborah anointing over her daughter at a previous meeting) took the mantle from him (he gave it willingly) and placed it on me. She had hand sewed it and it was beautiful. She danced like an angel, but I cannot recall her name. Wendy and I even spent time in her home with her husband and at least 6 children. There was also a Sandy and Tom who were very gifted of God who had come to CDA from San Francisco and lived out in the country on Hayden Lake. We truly loved them, and I recall ministering prophetically to their children. It was just such a glorious time, and I still do not completely understand why God took us out of there. It certainly wasn’t my choice, I can guarantee you.

    God bless you folks in what you are doing. Please let me know what is going on , as I am anxious to hear news of God working in that part of the country.
    Be Blessed,

    Ron Meyer

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